Research Projects

Filtered by: Data Privacy and Sociotechnical Cybersecurity


CAREER: Data-driven Models of Human Mobility and Resilience for Decision Making
Principal Investigator(s): Vanessa Frias-Martinez
Funder: National Science Foundation
Research Areas: Data Privacy and Sociotechnical Cybersecurity > Future of Work
Using cell-phone data to better understand the reactions and movement of people in violent or disaster events, specifically looking at droughts in Haiti, armed conflicts in Colombia, and floods in Bangladesh, with the aim of providing decision makers with data-driven models they can use to create preparedness and response plans.
Collaborative Research: SaTC: CORE: Medium: Supporting Privacy Negotiation Among Multiple Stakeholders in Smart Environments
Principal Investigator(s): Jessica Vitak
Funder: National Science Foundation
Research Areas: Data Privacy and Sociotechnical Cybersecurity
Internet-of-Things devices are increasingly used in shared spaces (e.g., homes, apartments, schools, hospitals, workplaces), and different stakeholders in these environments have unique privacy needs and expectations. This project investigates privacy negotiation behaviors in smart environments by designing, developing, and deploying an interactive system to collect people’s real-world privacy negotiation behaviors.
Heal Us: Reimagining and co-developing curricula for maternal health professionals
Principal Investigator(s): Amelia Gibson
Funder: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Other
Research Areas: Data Privacy and Sociotechnical Cybersecurity > Health Informatics > Information Justice, Human Rights, and Technology Ethics
BELIEVE (which stands For “Building Equitable Linkages With Interprofessional Education Valuing Everyone) is a multi-institutional project focused on developing and testing interprofessional curricular interventions for the purpose of reducing Black maternal mortality and morbidity and improving birth experiences in the United States.
RERC on Universal Access to ICT
Principal Investigator(s): J. Bern Jordan Hernisa Kacorri Amanda Lazar
Funder: HHS / ACL / National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research Other
Research Areas: Accessibility and Inclusive Design > Data Privacy and Sociotechnical Cybersecurity > Human-Computer Interaction
Exploring and developing strategies to individualize generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems to make them provide better results tailored to each individual with a disability (starting with AI systems for visual question answering for blind people); identifying and more deeply understanding the failures in technology use by people who are older and developing design strategies to allow more seniors to understand products out of the box -- especially those technologies that are critical to independent living and engagement.
SaTC: CORE: Medium: Collaborative: BaitBuster 2.0: Keeping Users Away From Clickbait
Principal Investigator(s): Naeemul Hassan
Funder: National Science Foundation
Research Areas: Machine Learning, AI, Computational Linguistics, and Information Retrieval > Data Privacy and Sociotechnical Cybersecurity > Data Science, Analytics, and Visualization > Social Networks, Online Communities, and Social Media
Developing novel techniques - through the application of state-of-the-art machine learning - to detect various forms of clickbait, especially video-based clickbait, and study user behavior on social media to design effective warning systems.
SCC-IRG Track 1: Inclusive Public Transit Toolkit to Assess Quality of Service Across Socioeconomic Status in Baltimore City
Principal Investigator(s): Vanessa Frias-Martinez
Funder: National Science Foundation
Research Areas: Data Privacy and Sociotechnical Cybersecurity > Data Science, Analytics, and Visualization > Smart Cities and Connected Communities
Improving public transit for lower-income individuals - who often endure complex, lengthy trips - by providing a methods, guidelines, and a toolkit to identify and characterize the challenges typical of such complex trips.